Create mail domain

To create a new mail domain, click the "New" icon and fill out the form:


  • Name - enter the name of the mail domain that you want to add.
  • Owner - select the owner of this mail domain.
  • IP address select an IP address to send emails through the SMTP protocol.
  • Default action- select the action that is needed when an e-mail is received stating that a mailbox does not exist:
    • Reply error - the sender will be notified that the mailbox does not exist (recommended).
    • Ignore and drop - if the mailbox does not exist, the user will not receive delivery failure reports. Mail server will not accept mail and will delete it.
    • Redirect to domain- if the mailbox does not exist, the user will be prompted for an alternative mail domain.
      • Redirect to - provide a domain name. All email messages from unknown senders will be redirected to this address.
    • Redirect to email address- the message (including the ones that were sent to non-existing mail boxes) will be redirected to the specified email address (not recommended).
      • Redirect to - provide an email address. All email messages from unknown senders will be redirected to this mailbox.
  • Comment - enter any information related to this mail domain.

You can also activate Greylisting Spamassassin, DKIM and spam checks for your mail domains if needed.